JinDa pork rice feels pretty typical of SanChong – the best places look like the worst!

I am a big fan of braised pork on the rice. A quick look at this menu and I started to get heart palpatations. Was this because my body knew what was coming (fat, fat and more delicious fat) or excitement? Both, I’ll go with both.

steamy tofu, bubbling pork gravy, spicy sauce sloshing all over the place…rock on!

MY ORDER at JinDa pork rice:
Rice w/pork
魯肉飯 $30 (x2)
Lǔròu fàn
Fish belly
魚肚 $40
Stewed bamboo shoots
魯筍絲 $30
lǔ sǔn sī
Bitter melon and pork soup
苦瓜排骨湯 $50
kǔguā páigǔ tāng

Spoon after spoon after spoon after spoon. I don’t get bored of eating this. Incredible.
The fish is also delicious, but the bones are a bit too much.

Delicate pork, bitter melon and a handful of clams pepper the bowl. All steamed together in the bowl means the juices are all interconnected in this amazingly bitter, sweet, rich soup. Big recommend.

Porkin’ ‘ell, she’s a beauty!
JinDa pork rice could be a place I visit at least once every month. There’s not many spots in the city that can induce such serious acclaim than that from me. If you can’t be bothered to go all the way to Sanchong, you can also try out JinFong pork rice near MRT NTU hospital.