Asahi sushi. To you regular readers of Eating in Taipei, you will know very well by now that I love sushi. I don’t care whether it is a bowl of rice with fish layered on top, nigiri, sashimi, or even rolls. I will take it, I will savour it, and I will leave with a (hopefully) happy smile on my face. Asahi Sushi does some really good sushi, in an excellent location, with everything on the menu under $500. You should definitely try it out, but read more to see what I recommend.
Table of Contents
Asahi Sushi has two branches, both serving up great sushi. This branch is the one that you will find if you come out of Taipower Building Exit 4. It’s pretty much right there as you come out on Roosevelt Road.

Asahi Sushi’s Menu

The menu is split into a few sections, so let’s get into what some of them mean. But, my article on how to order like a pro is also a great place to start, too!
Click here to read my article entitled:
3 Fast Tips on How to Order in Taipei Restaurants like a definitive pro!
- 握壽司 wò shòu sī
- Nigiri
- 炙燒 zhì shāo
- flame torched
- 綜合握壽司 zòng hé wò shòu sī
- Assorted nigiri sets
- 刺身 cì shēn
- Sashimi
- 丼類 dòng lèi
- Sushi bowls
- 手卷 shǒu juǎn
- Handheld rolls
- 卷類 juǎn lèi
- Sushi rolls (California rolls)
- 軍艦類 jūn jiàn lèi
- Gunkan-maki
- 小菜類 xiǎo cài lèi
- Small sides
- 串燒 chuàn shāo
- BBQ’d skewers
- 烤物 kǎo wù
- Roasted/grilled
- 單點 dān diǎn
- A la carte orders
- 湯 tāng
- Soup
- 日本進口汽水 rì běn jìn kǒu qì shuǐ
- Japanese imported fizzy drinks/soda
- 飲料 yǐn liào
- Drinks
- 清酒類 qīng jiǔ lèi
- Sake
What we ordered
- 綜合12貫 Zòng hé 12 guàn $460
- Mixed nigiri sushi set of 12
- 綜合海鮮丼 zòng hé hǎi xiān dòng $340
- Mixed sushi bowl
- 酪梨手卷 luò lí shǒu juǎn $50
- Avocado roll
- 烤鰻魚串 kǎo mán yú chuàn $160
- Barbecued eel skewer

When sitting at or near any sushi bar, I can seldom resist but to take a picture when they crack the blowtorch out. There’s something about the flames dancing off the fish skin that lures me in and amazes me. I also really like the smell of this blow torched scorching process.
Barbecued eel skewer

So eel is fairly expensive wherever you go, and some of you may be put off by the price. And that’s completely understandable. But give eel a shot, as it is invariably delicious when paired with the synonymously sweet barbecued glaze that it tends to get paired with.
The eel at this sushi spot was nicely grilled so that the top was moderately crispy without allowing the fish to dry out, and the glaze had that salty-sweet flavour that is synonymous with the familiar glaze that is put on Japanese grilled eel such as this. It was good, but I can’t help but feel like the eel itself didn’t have the texture of what I feel fresh eel should have. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but it was a little flakey and soft.
Avocado roll

I love some avocado, so this had the makings of being a nice avocado hand roll. The slice of avo was plentiful, and the seaweed was crunchy and fresh. The roll was good. It wasn’t shockingly good, but it was good. At $50 it is great value, to be fair, but don’t expect your world to be rocked.
Mixed nigiri sushi set of 12

These nigiri sets are where it is at. I mean, how beautiful does this set look right here? The colours, the variety, the pairings, the presentation – all right on point.

On the top row from left to right, we have:
Tuna, tilapia, salmon, scallop, shrimp, crab (with crab roe)
On the bottom row from left to right, we have:
Eel, flounder, (I don’t know the one with Mentaiko sauce on top), squid, octopus roll, salmon roe roll.
My picks of the bunch were the flounder nigiri, eel nigiri, scallop nigiri, and the salmon roe roll.
Flounder Nigiri – The delicate texture with the blow-torched searing gives this nigiri a wonderful smoky yet delicate flavour with a silky texture.
Eel Nigiri – The eel is delicate and has a strong eel flavour without being overpowering.
Scallop Nigiri – The scallop is the perfect taste of the ocean with wonderful freshness running throughout.
Salmon roe roll – There’s something about the pop of salty yet fresh salmon roe in your mouth as you chomp down on this roll.
Mixed sushi bowl

The sushi bowl feels a lot less delicate when you compare it to the nigiri set above. But, that’s not to say that it isn’t refined in any way. The pairings of the mixed sushi bowl are key to its success. Often sushi bowls such as this are curated by each sushi chef in each restaurant. Not all of the sushi bowls will be the same. So I often go for this kind of mixed bowl when I see it.

Some of my favourite pieces from within the bowl were the shrimp, the scallop, the blow-torched salmon, and the Tamagoyaki. The shrimp was sweet, fresh, salty, meaty, and melted in my mouth. The scallop was just as good as the nigiri set above. The blow-torched salmon had a wonderful texture with the slight melting of the fat from the scorching. The Tamagoyaki is something to behold when lightly sweet yet still discernably eggy in both flavour and texture.
The bottom line
Is it worth it? Definitely. For each dish to be under $500 is great, for starters, but for the quantity and quality you get it is most certainly worth it.
Will I go again? I will. I won’t rush back like I would with something like Li Xiu or Yo Sushi, but I will go again.
What will I order next time? I will go for the 鮭魚親子丼 next time, which is the speciality salmon bowl with salmon roe.
If you are into suishi, then check out some of the other amazing spots I have been to around Taipei. Highlights include: