ChuJohng Sushi is hiding in the backstreets of NongAn Street near ZhongShan Elementary School station in Taipei – what a gem!

I always appreciate seeing a sushi master at work, you’ll know this from my previous posts.

Some blowtorchporn for the masses right here. I love getting that burnt fish smell that wafts around the restaurant whenever this happens.

The menu can seem quite confusing, and it kind of is. We were at ChuJohng Sushi for lunch so we went for a ‘business lunch’ style – 午餐限定. Choosing this will result in you getting a set of food like that in the pics below.
What I ordered at ChuJohng Sushi:
Tricolor sushi bowl – uni, scallop and shrimp.
三色丼 sān sè dòng

Served with a salad, soup and a little bowl of fruit, it’s pretty damned good value.

To put this into context, for the 2 weeks prior to this I spent qurantine time in a hotel in Zhonghe. This time was preceeded by like 3 months of self isolation in the UK as we were in an enforced lockdown. So straight after that to come and eat this, my mind was just blown.
The fish was so fresh and the entire bowl was just delicious. I’d like the rice to be of a stronger vinegar flavour, but that’s really trying to find fault with an already delicious dish.
Seared halibut bowl
炙燒鰭邊丼 zhì shāo qí biān dòng

How much do you like that incredible fish roe? It’s straight up delicious over rice, so coupled with this blowtorched halibut you’re just looking at some incredible mouthfulls of food right here. Really good.
This area has some delicious Japanese food, if you have more budget, you might want to give Mitsui a go as well.