Updated, September 2022
Prices updated
This isn’t a fully-comprehensive guide to every single budget-friendly eatery in the capital. Nope. This is a small selection of just some of my favourite cheap eats, without skimping on quality. The selection ranges from street food to restaurants, get ready to enjoy the delicious food and not breaking the bank.
These are the recommendations if you are on a budget and want some cheap food in Taipei.
Taipei City – 圓環邊蚵仔煎 NingXia Oyster Omelet
If you’re in the area around Ningxia nightmarket, then look no further than this delicious oyster omelet. Portioned up off this gigantic one, the oyster omelet is a staple favourite for many, me included. On a budget of $85, you can’t go wrong!
Taipei City – CiSheng Temple 慈聖宮天上聖母
Or, maybe you want a filling breakfast? This will definitely get you through the day, and you’ll still get change out of $300. Come here and sit right in front of the temple to have some fried rice with some small dishes. You would definitely enjoy this kind of old-school Taiwanese breakfast vibe.
Taipei City – 天天利美食坊 , TianTianLi Restaurant
I’m not a fan of Ximending. But, when I do go there, I try to go here if it isn’t too busy.
Everyone loves that #yolkporn, especially at $30 (+$15 for the egg).
The rice is borderline, but the delicious meat and gooey egg make up for it. Under $50/bowl. Definitely worth ordering.
Taipei City – 老阿伯魷魚羹 – DiHua Street squid balls
Looking to eat cheap with friends?
You can get a bit of everything here, and still have change out of a $500 for everyone included. The rice will set you back a mere $40, and the soup with noodles inside will set you back $80. Add a side of veggies ($40) or tofu ($30) and you’re laughing.
Taipei City – Malaysian Kopitiam 池先生
Since I wrote this post, there’s now another restaurant in this chain opened in GongGuan.
This Hainan specialty chicken with rice is only setting you back $190.
Whilst this spicy chicken with rice, eggs, and shrimp crackers will set you back $240.
Taipei City – Fish Rice Noodles 民樂旗魚米粉
You’ll easily get change back on a budget of $200 for two bowls of rice noodle soup and a plate of deep fried oysters, here. And, you’re set to go get a bowl of delicious shaved ice at Summer Tree Desserts, after.
Taipei City – 1976 Hong Kong Restaurant
$130 for a bowl of this monstrous, delicious congee, and $160 for a bowl of noodles with pork liver is going the right way. This place is really solid, and even though it’s in the Eastern (can be more expensive) Area, it’s a good find.
Taipei City – Soup Dumplings上海邵師傅湯包
$60 for this?! I’m all in! They also do some really good curry pot stickers, too.
Taipei City – 饒河夜市 RaoHe Nightmarket
At $55, this will absolutely not disappoint. Delicious.
If seafood is your thing, then this fresh squid will tick your box. It’s $150, which may not strike you as cheap, but the freshness and quality of this will make it seem like a dream!
You get a big bit of pork stuffed in this bowl, with a delicious warming broth, all for a budget of $85.
As I said before, this is not every single inexpensive eat in the Taipei area. But, it’s a selection of a few of the delicious ones I have had the pleasure of eating, so far. You can still eat pretty well and feel satisfied on a budget.
Let me know what you think, or if you have any recommendations 🙂
Ash – eatingintaipei@gmail.com