Taiwan seafood is special. I have said it once, and I will say it a million times more. Not only is Taiwan’s seafood incredible, but more specifically, Hualien serves up outstandingly fresh seafood at a really reasonable price, with 055龍蝦海鮮 really leading the charge!
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055龍蝦海鮮 is located in Shoufeng Township, just outside of Hualien city. So, why bother coming here? Surely other places in Hualien serve up Taiwan seafood?
The menu

This menu is the reason why you should go here. Taiwan seafood is in abundance, right in this shack just south of Hualien city with views over the ocean as you sit inside 055龍蝦海鮮’s restaurant and chow down on the food.
You can find a comprehensive walk through about ordering and looking for certain things on menu’s here. But for now, let’s break down some of this menu for you:
- In the column at the side you will see:
- 肉類ròu lèi – meat dishes
- Here you will find some 雞肉 chicken, 牛肉 beef, and 豬肉 pork.
- 九層塔炒 jiǔ céng tǎ chǎo – stir fried with basil
- My pick of the bunch here would be the 海瓜子 short necked clams. They are awesome!
- 青菜 qīng cài – vegetable dishes
- 高麗菜 Gāo lí cài should be in your vernacular, as an absolute staple. Especially as such Taiwan seafood restaurants, as stir fried cabbage compliments seafood so well. And with Hualien being close to high mountain areas, the cabbage here is great!
- 清燙 qīng tàng- simply boiled
- Abalone 鮑魚, Squid 小卷, and shrimp 蝦 make up this section.
- 主食 zhǔ shí – rice/noodles/starchy foods
- Rice 飯, noodles 麵 and fried rice 炒飯
- 燒烤 shāo kǎo – roasted
- Different types of fish, as well as lobster 龍蝦, salmon 鮭魚, and pork 豬肉
- 肉類ròu lèi – meat dishes

The second part of 055龍蝦海鮮’s menu has:
- 湯類 tāng lèi – soup
- Miso 味噌, ginger soup 薑湯, fish stock 魚骨, clam 鮮蛤湯, or oyster with pickled veg 蚵仔酸菜湯
- 生魚片 shēng yú piàn – sashimi
- Mixed selection 綜合, or salmon selection 鮭魚
- 芹(清) 炒 qīng chǎo – stir-fried
- Squid 透抽
- 香酥xiāng sū – deep-fried
- shrimp balls with pineapple 鳳梨蝦球
What we ordered

- 鳳梨蝦球 fèng lí xiā qiú $350 Deep-fried shrimp with pineapple
- 炒飯 chǎo fàn $200 Fried rice
- 炒蛤蜊 chǎo gé lí $250 Stir-fried clams
- 龍蝦 lóng xiā $650 (清蒸 qīng zhēng) – Steamed lobster, $650/lobster
- 鮮活鮑魚xiān huó bào yú (五味 wǔ wèi ) $450/serving Abalone (5 flavour sauce)
- 烤鮭魚肚 kǎo guī yú dǔ $530 Roasted salmon belly
- 水蓮 shuǐ lián $200 Water lotus
- 清燙小卷 qīng tàng xiǎo juàn $250 Boiled squid
Water lotus

055龍蝦海鮮 might be known for amazing Taiwan seafood such as lobster and salmon belly, but their stir-fried veg is pretty good, too. Stir-fried with some garlic, pork, and chilli, this water lotus was crunchy and fresh, and welcomed among the rich flavours of the other dishes.
Fried rice

Fried rice isn’t a Hualien specialty. It’s just one of those staple dishes that gets the job done. 055龍蝦海鮮’s was nothing different. It didn’t have any Taiwan seafood inside, nor did it taste particularly great. It was fine, but just as a filler, really…
Stir-fried clams

Before coming to Taiwan, clams were one of those things that I actively avoided. But, now that I understand and embrace Taiwan seafood in all its glory, I completely understand why these mollusks are so revered throughout the island. 055龍蝦海鮮 fries them up with lots of garlic and basil, which gives them this wonderful freshness.
Roast salmon belly

You can’t talk about Taiwan’s seafood without mentioning salmon. It seems like anywhere you go that appreciates seafood, salmon is on the menu. Why? It’s bloody delicious, that’s why. Here at 055龍蝦海鮮, the salmon is roasted with a light coating of (what tasted like) miso butter, which manages to elevate this incredible Taiwan seafood to the next level. What I really loved about this, was that the salmon was thick, juicy, and bursting with fresh seafood flavours. I had two pieces!

Just as I didn’t quite understand clams before arriving in Taiwan, I similarly did not quite understand abalone, either. However, after being to a fair few banquets, and having the privilege of eating at some incredible restaurants around seaside city likes Keelung, Hualien, and Tainan, I fully appreciate Abalone for what it is – an incredibly meaty mollusk that has the capacity to bring joy to any seafood lover who eats it.
These abalone were a joy to eat, but hugely filling, too. They have this incredible way of being chewy, yet delicate. Get them, and you won’t be disappointed.

Squid doesn’t have to be about those deep fried squid rings that you find at buffets or frozen party platters. No, in fact, throw them away, and get this fresh squid from 055龍蝦海鮮. Served up with a sticky sweet and salty sauce that was not too dissimilar to Hoi sin sauce, these squid went down a treat.
They were boiled, so were unadulterated in their flavour, but even that was delicious. They were tender but also creamy at the same time, allowing them to almost melt in your mouth.
Deep-fried shrimp balls

I challenge you to find someone around Taiwan that doesn’t like deep fried squid and pinapple, lashed with mayonnaise and served on shredded cabbage. There’s something weirdly addictive to it. I mean, the crispy skin concealing the delicate prawn, with chunks of tinned pineapple scattered around the plate, then generously doused with a sticky mayonnaise. What is not to love?

The main event, the lobster at 055龍蝦海鮮 is what we are all here for. But, did you know, there are certain ways in which to eat it, as this menu says. The top row says the ways in which lobster can be eaten here include freshly steamed 清蒸, steamed with garlic 蒸蒜泥, or as a salad 龍蝦沙拉.

We went for the steamed lobster, to allow the lobster itself be the main star of the show. I was drooling when it came to the table dressed in all this beautifulness. They weren’t the biggest lobsters (expect to pay more like $800-900 for your average big-boy, but they were a decent size.
Inside, there was even lots of roe, that popped in your mouth with this fresh seafood flavour whenever you bit down.

The meat was delicate, juicy, and just indulgent on every level. Take time to crack open the legs, too, as the meat inside there is so damned sweet!
The bottom line
Would I go again? Yes. It’s a bit out of the way, but it’s definitely worth the drive/taxi for the amount of money you spend.
My favourite dish – The lobster was awesome, but the roasted salmon totally blind-sided me with its crispy juiciness.
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